System specifications

TearScienceTM LipiViewTM II​ Ocular Surface Interferometer

Product number: LVI-2000

The LipiViewTM II Ocular Surface Interferometer with Dynamic Meibomian Imaging™ measures lipid layer thickness with nanometer accuracy, captures blink dynamics and images meibomian gland structure.1

Lipid Layer Thickness and Gland Imaging1

Real-time visualization of the lipid layer to evaluate the dynamic response of lipids to blinking

Patented noise canceling technology to measure sub-micron thickness of the lipid layer

Video and analysis of blink dynamics

High-definition imaging with Dynamic Meibomian Imaging

1. LipiView IITM IFU – Doc. #12051, current revision.

System specifications

TearScience® LipiView® II Ocular Surface Interferometer​



Product number: LVI-2000

The LipiView® II Ocular Surface Interferometer with Dynamic Meibomian Imaging™ measures lipid layer thickness with nanometer accuracy, captures blink dynamics and images meibomian gland structure.1

Lipid Layer Thickness and Gland Imaging1

Real-time visualization of the lipid layer to evaluate the dynamic response of lipids to blinking

Patented noise canceling technology to measure sub-micron thickness of the lipid layer

Video and analysis of blink dynamics

High-definition imaging with Dynamic Meibomian Imaging



1. LipiView II® IfU – 012051-INT, Rev. F, Sep. 2020. REF2021TS4026.

For healthcare professionals only. Please reference the Instructions for Use for a complete list of Indications and Important Safety Information and contact our specialists in case of any question.

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